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Frederick American Little League...Where Childhood Dreams Become Lifetime Memories

Divisions of Play

Tee Ball  

Tee ball is the division for the kids age 4-6. In this division they should be learning to love the game of baseball. The kids should really learn the basic fundamentals and experience all positions on the field while having nothing but fun. This is where kids should experience the joy of playing the game and learn a little about it along the way.  6 year olds can play coach pitch if they have played 1 year of tee ball already.

Coach Pitch 

This is the division for players age 6-7-8.  Although 8 year olds can play "up" in kid pitch and 6 year olds can play "up" in coach pitch if they have played a year of tee ball. Coach pitch is designed to start to introduce the kids to the basics of baseball. The batter faces live pitching, from an adult, then all other baseball rules apply. The kids should really learn the fundamentals and experience all positions on the field in this division. There is a post season tournament for coach pitch as well. 

Minors Kid Pitch  

This is for players age 8-11. 12 year olds can also play minors if a waiver is approved, but they can not pitch. The purpose of the minors division is to prepare the players to advance to the majors in the coming years. This is "real" baseball with kids pitching. The kids should really learn the fundamentals and experience all positions on the field in minors. There is a post season city tournament and a Minor League All Star Team. There is a possibility that more experienced 9 and 10 year olds could be called up to play on the Majors 9-10 All Star team in addition to the minors all stars.

Majors Kid Pitch

This is the division for players age 9-12. This is the highest level of Little League Baseball. This is the division where our 9-11 and 10-12 All Star teams are selected for tournament games played in July. When you watch the Little League World Series this is the division those kids are playing in during the regular season. This is also the division that competes in the District II Tournament of Champions. Players are evaluated each season for selection to the majors division. The kids should really learn the fundamentals and experience all positions on the field as they prepare for their next level of baseball.

Intermediate 50/70 

This is the division for players age 11-13.  This is the division where kids start to learn the skills of leading off bases and holding runners on base.  The mound is 50' vs 46' and the bases are 70' vs 60' and 90'.  It's an outstanding opportunity for the kids to be introduced to the "real baseball" without the intimidation of going directly to a 90' diamond.


This is the division for players 12-14.  This level of play is on the 90' diamond and is designed to get your player ready to play high school baseball.

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Frederick American Little League

Frederick American Little League, PO Box 3242
Frederick, Maryland 21705

Phone: 240-422-6835

Email: [email protected]

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